Swimming Pool Pros Somerset West

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Swimming Pool Pros Somerset West

Address: Heldervue, Somerset West to Strand, 7130

087 250 0840

Website: https://www.swimmingpoolpros.co.za/pools-somerset-west-strand/

Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/Swimming-Pool-Pros-109015664620456 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzlOb_lKy4OT4-be0r5Y7DA www.pinterest.com/SwimmingPoolPros


Swimming pool contractor in Somerset West to Strand. Keep your pool looking great all year round. We offer the following services: pool cleaning maintenance, pool repairs and inspections, pool renovation, pool pump repairs and filters, new pool Installations and pool leak detection. Call today for a quote!


Pool Cleaning Service

A proper upkeep of the pool leads to an enhanced appeal of your pool area. Now you sit back and relax because our pro agents will look after your pool cleaning and maintenance. Deeply cleaned pool that looks bright.

A perfectly cleaned pool needs a cleaning treatment of a few hours each week.

We provide the following pool maintenance services:

Determining pool chemical levels

Cleaning of filter system, skimmer bags, weirs, and baskets

Vacuuming the pool’s surface

Swimming pool backwashing

Dirt and leaf elimination with brush cleaning

Chemical treatment for swimming pools

Pool Repairs and inspections

Are you having problem finding the leakage spot? Leakage can occur because of a crack. Be it anything, we can get it fixed instantly. Book a free evaluation visit right now. Every evaluation is free of cost.

Repairing cracks

Pool pump repairs

Filter replacement service

Pipe repairs and leak detection

Swimming pool relining and renovations

Pool marbelite and fibreglass repairing

Pool servicing



Pool Renovation

Does your pool look old? Get the appearance of your pool back. Swimming pool makeover by using marbelite, gunite, and fibreglass relining



Pool resurfacing

Marbelite application

Fibreglass relining

Paving and Mosaicing

Pool Resurfacing (Marbelite and Fibreglass)

Pool adaptations and features


Go for a pool resurfacing if you see a boring, discoloured, or blistered pool.

Quality pool linings can last up to 10 years but if you see a worn pool, go for immediate replacement.

It takes 4-5 days to resurface the pool linings and once it’s done, you can use your pool again.

Pool Pump Repairs and Filters.

Has your pool pump stopped working quietly? We offer same-day pump replacement or repair assistance.

New Pool Installations.

You must have a pool in your residential property. Give your new residential property a beautiful pool with either a Gunite, Marbelite, or Fibreglass installation. Book a free quote to discuss which is right for you.


Swimming Pool Crack Diagnosis

Does your pool stay filled only for a short duration? It has a leak. Book your leak detection to figure out exactly what the problem is.

Catering to all areas in Johannesburg

We offer pool installation, repairing, cleaning, installation, and restoration in Johannesburg. There are teams standing by ready to help you with a free price estimate and inspections in your area.

About Swimming Pool Pros

{Swimming Pool Pros is a network of established and vetted pool professionals.|We have hand-picked some of the best pool professionals and added them to our network.|At Swimming Pool Pros, we have joined hands with some of the most recognized pool professionals in the area.|Our network consists of various pool professionals and that’s how we at Swimming Pool Pros are offering seamless services to our clients.|{Swimming Pool Pros are working along with various pool professionals to offer every service that you may need.|With a network of many pool professionals, Swimming Pool Pros can offer you a series of pool services. Our goal is to offer you an expert for any pool related service. Our pool professionals can handle every pool service whether it is big or small. Speak with our rep on the phone or fill a convenient online form today.