From humble beginnings in 1983 Lombard Tyres has become the largest independent tyre distributor in South Africa. Through a combination of exclusive deals, strong management and a dedication to staff training, Lombard Tyres has built the foundations for further expansion across the continent.
Lombard Tyres has a deep rooted belief in the importance of top quality service from top quality professionals. To this end Top Management believes that promotion from within is essential, building a good understanding of the company, loyalty and aspiration for those lower in the ranks. To compliment this belief, there has been a huge investment in both staff training facilities and recruitment programmes.
As part of the ongoing partnership with Kumho Tyres, Lombard Tyres has built the only Kumho training centre outside Korea. Fully equipped, the centre trains people on both the practical and theoretical side of tyre fitting, as well as managerial and sales skills. Lombard Tyres has written all of the training programmes from scratch, imparting years of industry experience and empowering the students who pass through the facility. To date a reasonable number of Kumho specialists from all over Africa have passed though training.
Helping to tackle the prevalent unemployment among school leavers in South Africa, Lombard Tyres started a recruitment programme in 2011. This training programme take place over a three months period, assessing the areas in which the recruits show strengths, followed by a written exam and a psychometric test, only if candidates meet the standard are they given permanent employment in the area that best suits Lombard Tyres and them.
In recent years Lombard has made the transition from an owner managed operation to a medium sized corporation; with 22 retail shops, 11 warehouses, a commercial division and a Bandag tyre retreading plant, making Lombard Tyres footprint National. This has in part necessitated, and been the result of the management structure shake-up that has been undertaken.
It became essential to split the company into separate divisions in order to improve efficiencies. Lombard tyres currently have the following divisions inside the company; Marketing and Communications Department, Human Resources Department, Supply Chain Department, Retail Department, Wholesale Department, Financial Department, and a Logistics and Operational Department.
As of August 2012, Lombard has employed the use of SAP software in its warehouses and retail operation, greatly improving the management of stock levels and complimenting the long standing Skytrack system in all of its vehicles.
The strong foundations of the company drew the interest of Kumho Tyre, which has given Lombard the sole distribution rights for passenger- and light truck tyres in Southern Africa. This partnership has acted as the catalyst for expansion and exporting of tyres into the rest of Africa.
As from 2011 Lombard Tyres established the Kumho Associate Dealers (K A D) network which is an independent Tyre Fitment centre Network Nationwide. The dealers (To date 32 K A D dealers) that form part of this program have been individually chosen by Kumho Tyres South Africa and Lombard Tyres because of their extensive tyre knowledge and technical expertise.
Lombard Tyres started importing Cormach srl Machinery in 2011. Currently Lombard Tyres are the Agent for Cormach in Southern Africa. This wide range and high-tech tyre equipment directly imported from Italy now offers a turnkey solution to all tyre dealers.
Tyres (Kumho, Goodride, Goodyear, Continental, Bridgestone, Firestone, Pirelli, Dunlop, Michelin) Tubes, Cormach Machinery,Batteries, Brakes, Shocks, Exhausts, Towbars and Mags
Training, Wheel Balancing, Nitrogen, School Reward/Discound Cards, Credit for your next purchase by RSC or Capitec, and Wheel Alignment.